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Philosophy of her 'Kajal'



In the delicate dance of her emotions, her eyelids moved like the wings of a butterfly, carrying whispers of both serenity and storms. Her lips unfolded the echoes of emotional turbulence in her heart and mind, revealing the betrayals and angst of existence.

She concealed an ocean of tears with abrupt movements of her eyelids, gracefully halting their descent. Gently unraveling the tendrils of her hair, her fingers marked a metaphorical pause before the next chapter.

Amidst the echoes of betrayal, a subtle wrath ignited in the depths of her tear-laden gaze.....a fire fueled by the intensity of her emotions. Suddenly, she paused and said, 'Hold on, let me find my Kajal.' I questioned with my eyes, 'Why do you need Kajal in the middle of the night?' She smiled with wet eyes. With meticulous precision, she adorned her eyes with Kajal, a ritual akin to a participant in a fashion exhibition. In that act, I witnessed not just a cosmetic embellishment but a manifestation of resilience.

It struck me then, like a revelation breaking through the clouds of contemplation. Her vanity bag, a seemingly mundane repository of makeup, harbored something arsenal of strength. It was the silent companion that empowered her to don diverse personas, to veil the tumult and disquietude within the intricate folds of her life.

At that moment, amidst the brushes and pigments, I learned a poignant lesson. The realm of cosmetics became a metaphor for the resilience found within....a sanctuary where strength and vulnerability coexisted. She, with her painted eyes and tear-stained cheeks, emerged as a testament to the transformative power of embracing the intricate layers of one's own existence. 

By: Sardar Bhatti


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