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Self and Society

"The desire to live is a political decision."

 - Raoul Vaneigem (The revolution of everyday life) 

The dichotomy between self and society has been keeping us all awake in the middle of night. Perhaps the question of this contradiction between self and society emerges only when we have been able to sustain or survive this self. Without physical existence is it possible to think beyond the hunger? Though both society and self goes hand in hand but is it possible to just bifurcate both these institutions. Can we self-survive without the society or vice-versa? 

These are no new questions, ongoing debates always give rise to new interpretations to explain the existing facts. But to me these questions were again flashed while having a conversation with a mate from Poland on the Ganga Ghat. He states that being here on Ganga gives him peace the water flowing, the ghats the crowds, the whole atmosphere of the city has given him peace and it is a smoothening relief to be here. It has helped him to find peace at himself. The self which he was looking from sometime has been found here. 

To me the whole story of the city is different. The city where peace is selling as per different packages according to our class, caste and race. The ghats are full of sadhus and beggars, the streets where people are just fighting hard for their survival, the slums of rag pickers. All fighting hard in this war of survival. How can one find a peace within this society? The society which is just polished from outside as to make it a valuable commodity of peace. How this ‘self’ can be nourished in peaceful way in the existing circumstances. The running water though the sound gives a peace but the symbolism attached with it cannot let you sleep. The place where ghats and sadhus are divided as per the caste of the peoples. The establishment which gives a cultural hegemony to people of particular caste over fellow humans. How come all these variables can let us sit in a peace at the shore. The nature just flows and cherish everyone but the politics attached with it never lets anyone exist. The question is not to that foreigner who has just come here to explore and experience the world on the other side. The guy is very much clear about his ideas. Maybe he has seen worse than this and that's why it's still bearable for him, but what about us? 

The discourse that we have been facing is that we should always be positive and work at keeping ourselves up. Take e.g. of some motivational speakers or Gurus who state cleaning your room, maintaining bed, self-grooming can help us to be more positive toward our goals that we should avoid negativity and be oriented toward our 'self'. How can this 'self' be at peace when the society in which it is existing is exploited and oppressed at each and every point? How can we just ignore what is happening around us and just focus on our own. Another thing how can these things cannot affect us or create any insecurity among us? 

Perhaps we are either privileged enough or selfish or part of the system that is oppressing and exploiting the marginalised from their resources and rights. 

To be an explorer and live carefree is also a privilege, that we have no accountability for those who have invested in us. If we are product of the society then how can we be separate from them? How can we be merely an individual just living on our edge? If yes, then is our growth independent , i.e as per our own investment and decisions? Whatever we gain in this society are merely individual actions without the investment from others? Maybe it is the labour and hard work of individuals to achieve the heights but still we need capabilities to exhaust the opportunities and execute ourselves to the heights level. The capabilities depends upon the resources available to us.   

Now to the first statement- the desire to live is a political statement. Thus, we go on exploring our own way of existence, the decision and choices we make, it totally submits that everything we do in this existence is political even living on the edge or performing worldly duties all are political decision. In one way or the other we are influenced by the political structures of which we are part. So, being only individual or collective is not even an individual choice, it is the reflection of the material conditions in which we are living and suits to our comforts. Maybe, at some point we transcend the comfortable material conditions just because of our consciousness but then again it is not different from the political decisions. 

By: Himanshoo Atri


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