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Standards of understanding offence and victimhood

When it comes to defining what is a ‘Crime’, the definitions and grounds we take are the reasoning and understanding of the formal structures of law defined and constructed by those who are in authority or controlling the power structure. Though it is stated that an offence is an offence irrespective of the society's perceptions, as long as it satisfies the essentials of the Criminal law. But that is the partial reality because to consider a particular action or omission as an offence we need a victim of the said offence. It may be stated that under Criminal law the whole society is considered a victim of the offence, that’s why the State leads the prosecution. The point, here again, is that whatever according to the consciousness of the society is an offence or the offences of which society considers itself as a victim, are the ones to consider and prosecute. This is the point where the question of the definition of an offence again emerges itself into the empire of Crime instead of its objective. May it be the formal structuring of the law that defines what an offence is or not, but then again the formal structuring is the rationale and outcome of the methodology of those who control it.

Now, one can question whether the above-mentioned interpretations are just the attempts of deconstruction but unfortunately, it exposes the hidden realities of the sense of the justice we propagate in society. Justice is only as per the reason or understanding of those who are awarding it and does not include the interpretations and pleas of those who are being oppressed and exploited by the system. Justice is merely a sense of the dominant section’s understanding which only cares about how to sustain the system, irrespective of the fact that it is exploitative or oppressive in nature.

Take the example of the recent video of the Mahant of Maharshi Shri Lakshman Das Udasin Ashram, publically giving rape threats to Muslim women. The authorities are stating that the investigations will be initiated against the action of the said person but procedural investigations may be related to the hate speech or inciting violence against the community or under laws relating to women's protection. Nowhere the people of the same religion or community, whose prestige he is guarding will consider themselves as the victims of the actions. Though we all stand in solidarity against this act nowhere the act is individually against everyone. Yes, it is against society at large but, did we all consider it as against ourselves?

This act of only sympathy by the society reflects the understanding of victimhood and offence according to the formal structuring of the law. Now, let us take another example of blasphemy: if anyone has said anything against the sentiments or belief or faith, or the religion of any community or person in this scenario, the people of that particular religion would have outcried against the blasphemer for the offence of blasphemy because the act according to the standard understanding is outraging or hurting their religious faith and belief. Also, the act is technically satisfying the essentials of the offence of Blasphemy under penal statutes or criminal law.

Ironically, when acts like rape threats or genocide or forceful conversions or religious enmity by any person or organization are committed under the guise of the religious ideals or committed in the shadow or name of the upholding one’s religious beliefs, they are not considered blasphemous by those who always profess that their religion or all religions fundamentally inherit or preach humanity or peace. Why aren’t these acts under religious shadow considered blasphemous and only the critics of religion are blasphemers? Aren’t these acts outraging or hurting their beliefs and sentiments about their religion? Or we really consider that whatever they are stating is also the ultimate reality of our agendas of faith.

Thus, it exposes the way in which the formal structuring of law is not objective. As it considers certain acts as the offence only in a certain technical way which is based upon the understanding and rationality of the society and not upon the objective to eradicate the injustice.  

 By: Himanshoo Atri


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