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To  all the people I have ever known
You claim  to know me and  I claim to know you.
Wearing  masks of different sizes and shapes  You claim to know me and I claim to know you. 

Do you know what makes me numb or do I know what hurts you? 
What matters you the most and  what means world to me? 
Yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you. 

What were our dreams and how those dreams  were ruined? 
Neither I could perceive nor you could conceive Yet, you claim to know me and  I claim to know you.

What I see in you is Illusion. What You see in me is Delusion.
Our actions are controlled by this  confusion 
And yet you claim to know me and I claim to know you.

The pain, the suffering, the thorn on our paths And how we used the imaginary chart.
To embark on a journey towards a perilious task. 
Neither you can understand nor I can comprehend
Yet you claim to know me and  I claim  to  know  you.

How insomniac  I  feel  and  how  unsettled  your  thoughts  seem  to  be. 
When darkness engulfs  the  walls,
And  Silence  screams  so  loud 
Yet  you claim  to  know  me and  I claim  to  know  you.

My truth  emerges  in the  depth of  dark  shroud
Your truth  appears when moon approaches    stars,
And we pretend  to  talk  truth all  day  long.

Do you still  claim  to  know  me  or  should  I still  claim  to  know  you?

 Afshan  Mirza


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