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Let's Conversate ! Break the Chain of Social and Mental Alienation.

Dear All,
Kaavish Post is trying to collect and compile diverse experiences of people during COVID-19 crisis. 

As most of us are sailing in almost same boat, though some sections of society are worst hit and still struggling for their survival.

This sharing of feeling will help us in creating a connection with each other as a society, which many of us has lost in the time of Social Distancing.

Many persons who are able to eat three times a day and have a house to live are unable to deal with their thoughts, feelings, anxiety, loss of hope, pessimism, and other sort of issues.

Others from working class are struggling to arrange next meal for their family and for themselves.
Health workers (including sanitary workers, nurses and doctors), philanthropist, activists and others are working on ground, facing risk of infection but giving their best to bring our country out of this crisis.

At this point of time we students can try to reconnect this society on the level of thoughts and share our feeling with each other and bring in social solidary as a society.

Though we need to break the chain of infection but at the same time we need to unite and support each other and break the chain of social and mental alienation.

So, we are inviting your write ups regarding what you felt till now.

Psychologically, socially, individually or in any other aspect you want to share.

Kindly email your experiences and we will post these experiences on our blog and start a conversation on diverse aspects.

We need to develop Social Solidarity while maintaining Physical Distancing.

Let’s discuss, share and synthesize idea for a new dawn.

Kindly email us at:-

Regards:- Team Kaavish.


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